Sunday, March 31, 2019

French Language 72

French Words Free

Print Paper FlashCards

MS Word French2CzRuDeTape72.docx - - 383 KBytes   

Эти учебные карточки используют другие методики запоминания иностранных слов и фраз. Вместо примитивной и скучной зубрежки предлагается решить простые логические задачи на 1-2 минуты.
Каждый файл содержит несколько карточек с несколькими вариантами каждой.
Каждая карточка имеет поддержку нескольких Европейских языков.
Вы можете учить слова и фразы для нескольких языков сразу.
В карточках использован особый механизм OFLAMERON для стимуляции запоминания иностранных слов. Каждое иностранное слово или фраза разделена на несколько фрагментов и эти фрагменты переставлены местами. В фразах, кроме того, удалены пробелы.
Ученик должен решить логическую задачу - разделить имеющуюся карточку на фрагменты в нужных местах, сложить из них правильное слово или фразу и дать перевод.
Это не простая задача для подготовленный учеников.

Но после таких задач забыть слова невозможно!

Карточки OFLAMERON для Вашего преимущества в учебе.
You can use files as free content for your website or blog.

(c) by Valery Shmeleff

RSS Feed

If you have a blog, forum or website, post a link to this freeware resource to support it. Thank!

French Words Free

Friday, March 29, 2019

French Flash Cards 71

French Words Free

Print Paper FlashCards

MS Word French2CzRuDeTape71.docx - - 388 KBytes   

Эти учебные карточки используют другие методики запоминания иностранных слов и фраз. Вместо примитивной и скучной зубрежки предлагается решить простые логические задачи на 1-2 минуты.
Каждый файл содержит несколько карточек с несколькими вариантами каждой.
Каждая карточка имеет поддержку нескольких Европейских языков.
Вы можете учить слова и фразы для нескольких языков сразу.

Карточки OFLAMERON для Вашего преимущества в учебе.
You can use files as free content for your website or blog.

(c) by Valery Shmeleff

RSS Feed

If you have a blog, forum or website, post a link to this freeware resource to support it. Thank!

French Words Free

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

French Flash Cards 70

French Words Free

Print Paper FlashCards

MS Word French2CzRuDeTape70.docx - - 578 KBytes   

Just download the file, load it into the Word editor and print as many cards as you like.
Cards are made so that they can be printed on a color or monochrome printer. The quality of training will be effective.
You can use files as free content for your website or blog.

(c) by Valery Shmeleff

RSS Feed

If you have a blog, forum or website, post a link to this freeware resource to support it. Thank!

French Words Free

Monday, March 25, 2019

World Languages FlashCards

French Words Free

Several times we have already offered to choose the European language for which we will create cards. 

Cards were created for German, English, French, Spanish, Russian and Czech. You can in the comments suggest the European language for which you need to continue processing the cards. You can also suggest the type of cards you need.

(c) by Valery Shmeleff

If you have a blog, forum or website, post a link to this freeware resource to support it. Thank!

French Words Free

Saturday, March 23, 2019

French Flash Cards 68

French Words Free

Print Paper FlashCards

MS Word French2CzRuDeTape68.docx -    

These cards allow you to get an advantage in learning.
These are special flexible, interesting, complex cards.
Only for those who are looking for the most effective. 
You can use files as free content for your website or blog.

(c) by Valery Shmeleff

If you have a blog, forum or website, post a link to this freeware resource to support it. Thank!

French Words Free

Oflameron: Endlose Zahlenreihen kann als die größte Primzahl betrachtet werden

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

French Cards 67

French Words Free

Print Paper FlashCards

French2CzRuDeTape67.docx -    

These cards allow you to get an advantage in learning.
These are special flexible, interesting, complex cards.
Only for those who are looking for the most effective. 
You can use files as free content for your website or blog.

(c) by Valery Shmeleff

If you have a blog, forum or website, post a link to this freeware resource to support it. Thank!

French Words Free

Monday, March 18, 2019

French Flash Cards 65

French Words Free

Print Paper FlashCards

French2CzRuDeTape65.docx -    

Just download the file, load it into the Word editor and print as many cards as you like.
Cards are made so that they can be printed on a color or monochrome printer. The quality of training will be effective.
You can use files as free content for your website or blog.

(c) by Valery Shmeleff

RSS Feed

Oflameron: Nekonečná řada čísel lze považovat za největší prvočíslo

If you have a blog, forum or website, post a link to this freeware resource to support it. Thank!

French Words Free

Saturday, March 16, 2019

French Language 64

French Flash Cards Free

To memorize French words and phrases effectively, use OFLAMERON flash cards. It is more interesting to study a foreign language with them than with regular cards.

French2CzRuDeTape64.docx -      

An overview of other types of cards on the site -

Just download the file, load it into the Word editor and print as many cards as you like.

If you have a blog, forum or website, post a link to this freeware resource to support it. Thank!

French Flash Cards Free

Thursday, March 14, 2019

French Language 63

French Flash Cards

Effective cards for memorizing French words and phrases. For students and high school students. For free use provided copyright is preserved.

Cards for other European languages can be prepared if you need. Write in the comments on this blog.

French2CzRuDeTape63.docx -   

You can give a link to a phrase book or a list of words you need to learn with the help of cards.

If you have a blog, forum or website, post a link to this freeware resource to support it. Thank!

 French Flash Cards


Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Foreign Languages Free

Flash Cards

The new version of the online list of PDF files with flash cards for learning foreign languages.
The text file contains direct links to PDF files with cards.

01/03-2019 Release

You can specify which foreign languages you are interested in on the page -  


 Flash Cards


Sunday, March 10, 2019

French Flash Cards

French Language

Creating flash cards is my hobby. I invent new types of flash cards. Such cards are more complex, more interesting and effective.

You can find ordinary cards anywhere. I create special cards that give shine to your knowledge.

You can get an advantage in training or an advantage when looking for a job.

And even if you do not learn foreign languages, but simply manage your web site, free flash cards are excellent content for the site. And here this content can be obtained for free. And through the RSS feed, you can receive new flash cards.

And here this content can be obtained for free. And through the RSS feed, you can receive new flash cards.

Flash Cards


Friday, March 8, 2019

French Flash Cards 62

French Language

If you have your own set of foreign words that you want to learn, we can make a special set of flash cards. Flash cards can be of any OFLAMERON type.
You can use them as free as all other cards.

 French2CzRuDeTape62.docx -       - 400 KBytes

You can edit these flash cards.

French Language

Maybe you want to learn English as a foreign language. Write in the comments what languages interest you. We will prepare the necessary sets of flash cards.

French Language


Wednesday, March 6, 2019

French Flash Cards 61

French Languages

Cards for memorizing French words in the Word DOCX format.
You can edit cards for self-study.
Cards in PDF format can be used for free to train students and pupils and publish on the Internet.

French2CzRuDeTape61.docx -      - 358 KBytes 

You can also download the full archive of training cards in one ZIP file -     

ZIP file is placed on the service Yandex Disc
ZIP file size - 75 MBytes

Work has now begun on a new series of cards for the French language.

If you are interested in other European languages or you have a ready-made set of foreign words and phrases that you need to learn, write in the comments.

Training flash cards are designed for free.   




Monday, March 4, 2019

French Language 60 DOCX

French Language Freeware

The free DOCX flashcards

Si vous apprenez des langues étrangères ou enseignez des langues étrangères, alors cet outil est pour vous. Vous pouvez obtenir un grand avantage. Les flashcards Word DOCX spéciaux que vous pouvez télécharger, imprimer et utiliser pour apprendre le Français. Ces cartes sont plus efficaces que les flashcards ordinaires. Vous pouvez les utiliser gratuitement pour vous-même ou pour vos élèves, publier de toute façon, éditer et poster sur Internet.

French2CzRuDeTape60.docx - - 358 KBytes             



Hi Tech News

French Language Freeware

Saturday, March 2, 2019

French Language 73

French Language Freeware

The free PDF flashcards

Si vous apprenez des langues étrangères ou enseignez des langues étrangères, alors cet outil est pour vous. Cartes PDF spéciales que vous pouvez télécharger, imprimer et utiliser pour apprendre le Français. Ces cartes sont plus efficaces que les flashcards ordinaires. Vous pouvez les utiliser gratuitement pour vous-même ou pour vos élèves, publier de toute façon, publier sur Internet.

French2CzRuDeTape73.pdf - - 875 KBytes             



Hi Tech News

French Language Freeware

Friday, March 1, 2019

Карточки для иностранных языков

Учебные карточки

Когда учать иностранные языки, часто пополняют словарный запас с помощью карточек - flashcards. Обычно это простые прямоугольники с написанным иностранным словом и переводом.

В Интернете полно сайтов, на которых их можно скачать или использовать он-лайн.
Для тех, кто хочет добиться большей эффективности есть специальные flashcards.

В текстовом файле указаны ссылки на PDF файлы карточками.
Вы можете их посмотреть онлайн и скачать и распечатать.

Это очень эффективное средство для пополнения словарного запаса.

Учебные карточки

Oflameron: Nekonečná řada čísel lze považovat za největší prvočíslo