Saturday, December 30, 2017

Flash cards images

Flash cards images

The playing field (advanced flash card) for learning and memorizing foreign words. This requires the use of 2 dice of different colors. One cube is the vertical coordinate. The other cube - the horizontal coordinate.
Flash card
The color of the cells used in the bonus system.
Guide online  

Flash card image download:

Flash cards images

Friday, December 29, 2017

Handmade Flashcard

Handmade Flashcard

Flashcard OFLAMERON convenient for learning foreign languages. Flashcard OFLAMERON can simply draw on a sheet of paper. This map hike, on the playing field.
An example of the playing field. Is the field easy to draw on any paper. Cells with letters can have a different shape and color. This can then be used in the bonus system.

The game uses chips and dice. The game begins with the fact that the chips are put down on ANY playing field. Each player writes which letter on a piece of paper. Then the players throw the dice and move the chips across the cells clockwise. Write the next letter. Each player writes their letters.
When a player has accumulated a lot of letters, it can take out of them a foreign word. The player is to remember foreign words (!), you can make from the letters.

For example, there are letters

|O|, |R|, |M|, |P|, |W|, |I|, |T|, |O|, |N|

You can make the word PORTION - La portion (french).

The player will receive 7 points. The player will remain letters

|M|, |W|

The player collects the letters for the following foreign words.

The duration of the game can limit in different ways. For example, to throw the dice 50 times. Then count the points and announce the winner.
There are several other options for the end of games and bonuses. 
More about that in future articles.

Handmade Flashcard

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Handmade flashcard

World Languages Free

Handmade flashcard

Board games made of paper can be successfully used for language learning for effective memorization of foreign words.
Of paper make a simple flashcard. Card - the small rectangles. On each card write the letter of the alphabet. Of flashcards make the game field - closed paths.

Players throw dice and move the chips on the cards.
On each card is written a letter. The player must name a foreign word that begins with that letter. For Spanish as foreign language

|G| - grande - (6 points)
|F| - la frontera - (8 points)
 and etc.

The player adds points to the score for the named word. How many letters are in the word, so many points.
How to finish the game, how to use bonuses, how to make the game harder in the next records.

World Languages Free

Handmade flashcard

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Advanced Flashcard

Advanced German Flashcard

The game of paper OFLAMERON (with advanced flashcard) allows you to memorize up to 500 foreign words per week. It is the most effective way to memorize foreign words. You can learn English, Spanish, German and other European languages. To do this, just change the alphabet, which is used in the game.

You enough to draw on paper a simple playing field

Handmade flashcard
Use dice and tokens to move through the cells - See full guide on
You can draw the playing field of any shape, size, and complexity. You can use any number of cells with letters.

Foreign Languages Free

The playing field can be downloaded as a Word document. To load into the editor and print.

For example, here is


You can easily edited in MS Word

 The game has many different, interesting and beautiful options.

Free DOWNLOAD game0001.doc
Online guide -

Advanced German Flashcard

Keywords: learn, foreign, languages, free

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Advanced flashcard

Advanced flashcard

 Simple cards with letters can be used for effective learning of foreign languages, if you use technology to OFLAMERON
The paper board game "OFLAMERON" may be used to learn foreign languages (for example, Spanish or French). The game allows to train one’s vocabulary effectively.
    It is possible to lay out the game field of any size and format using playing cards with letters, for example, of the French alphabet. The game field consists of the closed paths. The quantity of paths and the size of the game field may vary. The elementary game field may look as follows

 Of course, it is possible to lay out very big and difficult game fields for the game "OFLAMERON". The more cards are used, the more paths the game field has, the more interesting it is to play.
    A few pupils aged at least 6-7 may participate in the training game. Usual game pieces and a die shall be required for game.
  A TRANSLATION of 10-15 French words is issued to players. Players move their game pieces on cards throwing the die and "collect" the French letters. It is necessary to make any French words of collected letters with the length of 4 letters least including those words the TRANSLATION of which is issued to the players.
    Start game
    The game begins when participants put their game pieces ON ANY CELLS of the game field and write down the letters occupied by their game pieces on their leaflets. 
Full online guide

 Then players throw in turn the die and move game pieces CLOCKWISE by the number of cells equal to the number on the die. Write down occupied letters on the leaflet and again throw the die and game pieces, etc. If the paths split, the player defines by him(her)self in what direction to continue the movement of the game piece.     

Advanced flashcard


Monday, December 25, 2017

Paper flashcard

Paper flashcard

German, French, Spain
You can think of many types of flashcard OFLAMERON for learning foreign languages. Some of them you can see in this blog and download from
You can download free flashcards for memorizing foreign words. On the cards are written the fragments of foreign words.
100-150 flashcards spread on the table.
The student should make the cards the whole foreign words and name translation.

Paper flashcard
Paper flashcard
If the student is called a translation, it receives 2 points. If only made up word, it gets 1 point.
These classes are used in addition to training with Board game.
This is a very simple but effective flashcards
German, French, Spain
Learn quickly

Foreign Language Free

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Paper Flashcard

Paper Flashcard

Make a flashcard for yourself out of paper.
Of paper make a simple flashcard. Flashcard - the small rectangles. On each card write the letter of the alphabet. Of cards make the game field - closed paths.

Paper flashcard

Players throw dice and move the chips on the cards.
On each card is written a letter. The player must name a foreign word that begins with that letter. For Spanish as foreign language

Paper flashcard

|G| - grande - (6 points)
|F| - la frontera - (8 points)
 and etc.

Paper flashcard

The player adds points to the score for the named word. How many letters are in the word, so many points.
How to finish the game, how to use bonuses, how to make the game harder in the next records.
Online guide
You can download images flashcards and print
Printable flashcard

(c) by Valery Shmeleff

Paper Flashcard

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Printable flashcard

Printable flashcard

Learn World Languages 
French, German, Spain
   We will continue on the flashcard. Card OFLAMERON very simple. This is a card with the letters. But we use them for special method OFLAMERON -
   Classes are held as a normal desktop card game. Only need to play in foreign words.
   As the pupils gain experience in playing the game it is possible to add new functions to it to preserve the pupil’s interest in playing the game. 
    Fragments of the French words may be added to the game field (highlighted in yellow).

Printable flashcard
On the one hand, the player receives not a single French letter at once, but a few. But on the other hand, he/she has to collect letters for only one or a few words the fragment of which is issued to him/her. If you enter fragments of long words in game, it is desirable to place the greater part of the word on the card.
    For example, for the word LE CONTENU it is necessary to use the CONT... card.

Foreign Languages

    At the same time, if the card allows making several French words, it is not taken from the game field. For example, CONT... card allows making the words LE CONTENUCONTROLE and etc. When all options are used, such card is removed from the game field and replaced with a usual card with a letter or a card with a figure (see below). This game "OFLAMERON" variant should be offered to already experienced players or played with the teacher. This variant is convenient for learning new words.

    Flashcards with numbers 

    Cards with numeric values allow implementing the system of bonuses and making the game more interesting.
    A few game scenarios with numerical cards can be used:
    - the player gets automatically the specified number of points to his/her score and has the right to name the French word and throw the die once again;
    - the player receives the right to choose by himself as many French letters as is specified on the card (2 or 4), announce the word and throw the die once again. The player can choose letters he/she needs to make the word;
    - the player acquires the right to throw the die so many times at a run, to move the game piece and to collect letters as many times are specified on the card (2 or 4 times), but at the same time he/she may announce one made word.
    The specific manner of use of the numerical cards is agreed before the game.
    It is possible to introduce drawing up whole phrases in the game for advanced pupils. For this purpose, the card with a triangle face value is used in the game. 

Printable flashcard

If the game piece of the player occupies such a card with the triangle, the teacher issues to the participant the cards prepared in advance with the phrases lacking a part of letters. For example, ...GUE ETRA...RELANGUE ETRANGERE”). Here it is necessary to specify the translation of the phrase to be made. It is possible to adjust finely the complexity of the task for the players by changing the quantity of the missing letters in phrases. It should be done by the teacher.
    In usual variant the game "OFLAMERON" takes 2-3 hours. It is not always convenient. You can use the blitz version of the game. It requires from the player to announce a Spanish word beginning with each letter which is occupied by his/her game piece on the game field. The made words are written down in the leaflet to avoid repetitions. Points are counted in the same manner as in the previous variant of the game.
    Blitz game lasts for 20-30 minutes until a player is not able to announce a French word.
    Such a training may be carried out in any conditions. If you have no ready cards with letters, you can easily make them of any paper. You are just to know the rules of the game.
    If to replace French letters with letters of other alphabet, it becomes possible to learn any European language.
    Free for learning and publications. (c) by 
Valery Shmeleff
Valery Shmeleff


Printable flashcard

Friday, December 22, 2017

Printable Languages flashcard

Printable Languages flashcard

Advanced wprld languages flashcard.

Printable flashcard very convenient for learning foreign languages. This is usually simple cards with foreign words. However, there are flashcards. with which to play Board games. To play in a foreign owl. So learning words is much more interesting. And remember the words better.
The board game made of paper "OFLAMERON" (advanced flashcard)  may be used to learn foreign languages (for example, Spanish or French). The game allows to train one’s vocabulary effectively. 
    It is possible to lay out the game field of any size and format using playing cards with letters, for example, of the French alphabet. The game field consists of the closed paths. The quantity of paths and the size of the game field may vary. The elementary game field may look as follows: 

Of course, it is possible to lay out very big and difficult game fields for the game "OFLAMERON". The more cards are used, the more paths the game field has, the more interesting it is to play. 
    A few pupils aged at least 6-7 may participate in the training game. Usual game pieces and a die shall be required for game.          A TRANSLATION of 10-15 French words is issued to players. Players move their game pieces on cards throwing the die and “collect” the French letters. It is necessary to make any French words of collected letters with the length of 4 letters least including those words the TRANSLATION of which is issued to the players.          Start game          The game begins when participants put their game pieces ON ANY CELLS of the game field and write down the letters occupied by their game pieces on their leaflets. 
Then players throw in turn the die and move game pieces CLOCKWISE by the number of cells equal to the number on the die. Write down occupied letters on the leaflet and again throw the die and game pieces, etc. If the paths split, the player defines by him(her)self in what direction to continue the movement of the game piece. 
 Players collect letters, and at some moment it becomes possible to make a French word of them and to announce its translation. The player receives as many points to his/her score for each made word as many letters contains the French word made. If a player makes a French word but can’t announce its correct translation, the points are received by that participant who announces the word translation correctly. Players make the French words of those letters that were collected by them. The used letters are struck off the player’s list and should be “collected” again.

For example, a player has collected the letters P, X, R, I, M, E, E, L, W, E. The word EXEMPLE (French) was made. After it the player will have letters X, R, I, W only in his/her list. 
    The players will make and announce many French words and they will be not only those words the TRANSLATION of which was set in the beginning. During the game the participants will make much more words, than was set. If a player makes a French word the TRANSLATION of which was set before the game, then the points received for this word shall be doubled. If a player has made a French word which is the longest in this game session (the current record), then the points received for this word shall be tripled
    The teacher may interfere in the game process. If players cannot collect some letters though they all already know this French word, the teacher may replace some already “collected” French letters on the game field with the required letters taking necessary cards from the pack. 
    Participants may prompt each other during the game - it helps studying and remembering foreign words. 
    In total, much more French words shall be made and announced during the game than those 10-15 TRANSLATION words which were set at the beginning. 
    The game comes to an end when all French words the TRANSLATION of which was set in the beginning are made and announced. The number of points received by every player is counted and the winner is named. If a few players received the same number of points, the one who made the longest word is the winner. If it is not sufficient, the count of the “current records” quantity shall help. 
    While playing, the participants have to recollect in memory the French words, selecting from them those corresponding to the set of letters available. It ensures high efficiency of training. After several game sessions, the pupils will make phrases in a foreign language much quicker. 

Continue ion

All online GUIDES
(c) by Valery Shmeleff

Printable Languages flashcard

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Free Flashcards

Free Flashcards

A simple Board game out of paper (advanced printable flashcard)  has several options. The game allows you to quickly learn foreign words. In every session of foreign words are repeated dozens of times. It provides excellent memorization of words. These classes are no different from the usual games with cards. Therefore, these lessons interesting. This further increases the efficiency of learning.
See online guide

These flashcards is not like the classic flashcards to memorize foreign words. They are very different. Interesting, complex, beautiful, effective. You can make them harder or easier.

For example, such

Printable flashcard

Download free -
Forum -

Free Flashcards

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Advanced flashcard

Advanced flashcard

The playing field (advanced flashcard) for memorization foreign words.
Such flashcard was not there before. They are specially designed for effective learning.
Pupils playing a Board game and automatically learn the foreign words.
You need to download and print a flashcard, and take two dice of different colors.
One die - to determine the vertical coordinate of the table. The other to determine the horizontal coordinates.
Advanced flashcard
Players roll two dice. One cube - the vertical coordinate of the cell. The other cube - the horizontal coordinate of the cell. The player must name a foreign word on whether the letter and its translation. The word should be written to avoid repetition.

Advanced flashcard

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Advanced flashcards

Advanced flashcards

A simple game of paper (with flashcards) allows you to teach more than 500 foreign words per week.
The methodology designed for children 6-7 years of age and older, pupils and students.
Simple rules easy to remember. Enough just to read. Play materials are free to download and print or draw a pen on paper.
Flashcards image

Here we have used flashcards with individual letters. These cards are easy to make in Word

Flashcards image

This is the most simple examples of the playing field. You can draw more complex and interesting.
These classes more interesting than sessions with the classic flashcard. Therefore, the efficiency of studying much more.
Read how to use classes, view the examples, download and print the card.

Online guide

Advanced flashcards

Monday, December 18, 2017

World languages flashcard

World languages flashcard

Conventional flashcard - card with foreign words and translation. But you can use a flashcard in separate letters. There are special methods OFLAMERON

Of the cards with letters are laid out the playing field with tracks. The size and number of tracks can be anything. The track should be closed.

Card for printing
Free download
Special cards in Word format.
For classes you will need dice and simple gaming pieces (small toys, badges or coins)
In the classroom can involve one student or more. Sessions can last 15-20 minutes or 2-3 hours. You can easily complicate or simplify exercises. Foreign language lesson will look like an interesting Board game.
read full online guide

World languages flashcard

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Handmade flashcard

Handmade flashcard - Foreign Languages

Flashcard you can make your own for 5-10 minutes and learn foreign words in all conditions.
You only need a pen and paper. Any pen, any paper.
Write 2-3 sentences in a foreign language.
Cut the sentence into individual words. Shuffle the cards on the table. Students must make correct sentences.
For experienced players, the number of words and sentences can be increased. These cards are very effective for memorizing phrases from phrasebooks.

Handmade flashcard - Foreign Languages

Advanced flashcard

Advanced flashcard

Usually flashcards simple flashcards with words and translations. Such cards many on the Internet. However, there are other flashcard OFLAMERON , which are more interesting, more complex, more effective. These flashcards several types. One of them is similar to the classic Board game.

The playing field (flashcard) for printing from Word
Flashcard Image
Printable Flashcard OFLAMERON

Download Image 
Another flashcards -

Learning 500 foreign words in week

Advanced flashcard

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Draw flashcard

Draw flashcard

German, French, Spanish

Effective flashcards can be drawn from table games on paper, if you use the technique of OFLAMERON
Make a Board game OFLAMERON for the study, for example, the French language.

Draw a flashcard (playing field) on a sheet of paper
Handmade flashcard
Paper flashcard
It looks like a regular Board game
Only cells recorded letters of the alphabet
This playing field (flashcard) can be done in MS Word and print
Paper flashcard
If the sheet is large, you can draw more cells with letters.
The playing field can be colored, add pictures and inscriptions, to make the cells with bonuses.
Briefly the rules of the classroom.
Students will use dice to move the pieces on the playing field. Players write down the letters that is their thing. From the letters, the players must be foreign words. Students remember a lot of foreign words, while will choose the one that you can make from the letters.

 Read full guide

(c) by Valery V Shmeleff / Oflameron
Moscow / Russia

German, French, Spanish

Draw flashcard

Friday, December 15, 2017

Handmade Flashcards

Printable Flashcards

French, German, Spanish

Using Board games out of paper OFLAMERON  you can effectively store up to 500 foreign words per week. moreover, words are remembered very strongly. To practise vocabulary of any European languages we just change the letters of the alphabet - special flashcards OFLAMERON
Handmade version
Flashcards Images

Printed version
Flashcards images
Flashcards for World languages learning

Flashcards OFLAMERON to practice addition and subtraction

Free download images in Word DOC format -
Sorry, only automatic translation.

French, German, Spanish

Printable Flashcards