Tuesday, December 12, 2017


Paper flashcards

paper flashcards OFLAMERON - in paper board game

See http://www.oflameron.ru for full guide
Although repetition in learning a foreign language can be boring, it is key to your success. Many
studies on language acquisition show that very high numbers of repetition are necessary for a word to become truly owned and in your long term memory. This is why so many language classrooms require choral repetitions.
Repetitions can be verbal, aural, read or written. So, when you study, hit the word or verb conjugation as many times as possible

Paper flashcards

  In your native language, you don’t have to listen very well.  You only actually hear
 some of the words being said and your brain fills in the rest.  You can’t do this when you are first learning a language.  You may have to train yourself to listen.  If you are musical, you probably already have.  This is why your language class almost ce
rtainly asks you to listen to CD's or watch videos.  Do this in small amounts at a time not for an hour straight.  Build up your listening time just like you do for training for a sporting event.

Flashcards OFLAMERON not like ordinary card.. They are more complex, interesting, effective.
See http://www.oflameron.ru for full guide
French, German, Spanish

Free download http://geocities.ws/frenchfree/

Paper flashcards

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