Sunday, December 30, 2018

Deutsche Sprache 38

German Language Torrent

Quote:  The rich cultural diversity and heritage of German speaking countries intertwined with the current economic strength of Germany make German a fascinating language. Germany offers beautiful countryside and exciting cities. Berlin has now become a magnet for young people from all over Europe. Germany is the UK's most important trading partner and the CBI has once again confirmed that German is the most useful language skill to have for British employees. Germany enjoys a high reputation in Research and Development and Engineering. There are numerous career and job opportunities for those who speak the language not to mention advantages for social and leisure purposes. Ordering your drink in German at the Oktoberfest is quite an experience.

German TextBook -  PDF and Torrent

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Deutsche language 38:

PDF flashcards

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German Language Torrent

Friday, December 28, 2018

German language 37 Torrent

German Language Torrent

Quote:  Немецкий язык является официальным языком Австрии, Германии, Лихтенштейна, а также официальным языком в Люксембурге и Швейцарии. Есть также карманы немецкоязычных общин в северной Италии и Бельгии. Немецкий также может помочь вам во многих частях Восточной Европы, где язык преподается в качестве первого иностранного языка в школе.

German TextBook -  PDF and Torrent

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Deutsche language 37:

Deutsche sprache

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German Language Torrent

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

German language 36 Torrent

German Language Torrent

Quote: L'allemand est la langue officielle de L'Autriche, De l'Allemagne, du Liechtenstein ainsi qu'une langue officielle du Luxembourg et de la Suisse. Il y a aussi des îlots de communautés germanophones en Italie du Nord et en Belgique. L'allemand peut également vous aider dans de nombreuses régions D'Europe de l'est où la langue était enseignée comme première langue étrangère à l'école.

German TextBook -  PDF and Torrent

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Deutsche language 36:

Deutsche sprache

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German Language Torrent

Oflameron: Nekonečná řada čísel lze považovat za největší prvočíslo

Monday, December 24, 2018

German language 35

German Language Torrent

Quote: Il tedesco è la lingua ufficiale Dell'Austria, della Germania, del Liechtenstein e della Svizzera. Ci sono anche sacche di comunità di lingua tedesca nel nord Italia e in Belgio. Il tedesco può anche aiutarvi in molte parti Dell'Europa Dell'Est dove la lingua è stata insegnata come prima lingua straniera a scuola.

German TextBook -  PDF and Torrent

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Deutsche language 35:


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German Language Torrent

Saturday, December 22, 2018

German Language 34

German Language 30 Torrent

Quote: Němčina je úředním jazykem v Německu, Rakousku, Lichtenštejnsku, stejně jako oficiální jazyk, v Lucembursku a ve Švýcarsku. Tam jsou také kapsy německy mluvící komunity v severní Itálii a Belgii. Němčina může také pomoci v mnoha částech Východní Evropy, kde se jazyk používá k být vyučován jako první cizí jazyk ve škole.

German TextBook -  PDF and Torrent

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Deutsche language 34:


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German Language Torrent

Thursday, December 20, 2018

German language 33 Torrent

German Language 30 Torrent

Quote: Duits is de officiële taal van Oostenrijk, Duitsland, Liechtenstein en een officiële taal in Luxemburg en Zwitserland. In Noord-Italië en België zijn ook Nederlandstalige gemeenschappen te vinden. Duits kan u ook helpen in veel delen van Oost-Europa waar de taal vroeger werd onderwezen als de eerste vreemde taal op school.

German TextBook -  PDF and Torrent

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Deutsche language 33:


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German Language Torrent

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

German language 32

German Language 30 Torrent

Quote: El alemán es el idioma oficial de Austria, Alemania, Liechtenstein, así como un idioma oficial en Luxemburgo y Suiza. También hay grupos de comunidades de habla alemana en el Norte de Italia y Bélgica. El alemán también puede ayudarle en muchas partes de Europa del este donde la lengua solía ser enseñada como la primera lengua extranjera en la escuela.

German TextBook -  PDF and Torrent

PDF source

Deutsche language 32:

German flashcards

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German Language Torrent

Visual Basic Souce Code -

Sunday, December 16, 2018

German language 30

German Language 30 Torrent

Quote: El alemán es el idioma oficial de Austria, Alemania, Liechtenstein, así como un idioma oficial en Luxemburgo y Suiza. También hay grupos de comunidades de habla alemana en el Norte de Italia y Bélgica. El alemán también puede ayudarle en muchas partes de Europa del este donde la lengua solía ser enseñada como la primera lengua extranjera en la escuela.

German TextBook -  PDF and Torrent

PDF source

Deutsche language 30:

German flashcards

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German Language Torrent

Friday, December 14, 2018

German language 29

German Language Torrent

Quote: German is the official language of Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein as well as an official language in Luxemburg and Switzerland. There are also pockets of German speaking communities in northern Italy and Belgium. German can also help you in many parts of Eastern Europe where the language used to be taught as the first foreign language at school.

German TextBook -  PDF and Torrent

PDF source

Deutsche language 29:

Unfortunately, there aren’t too many rules that determine which kinds of words will have which genders. The only rule that is always true is that plural nouns (more than one) will always use the word “die.”

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German Language Torrent

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Deutsche language 28 Torrent

German Language Torrent

Quote: German nouns have another strange feature that don’t have in English—every noun (person, place, and thing) has been assigned a gender: feminine, masculine, or neutral.

German TextBook -  PDF and Torrent

PDF source

Deutsche language 28:

Unfortunately, there aren’t too many rules that determine which kinds of words will have which genders. The only rule that is always true is that plural nouns (more than one) will always use the word “die.”

German Language Torrent

Monday, December 10, 2018

Deutsche language 27 Torrent

Deutsche language 27

e-TextBook Torrent -

Learn German Words and Phrases Free
Flashcards: Deutsche4RuCzEn27.pdf

Fremdsprachen lernen

Quote: You might have noticed something odd about many of the German words you’ve seen—many of them start with capital letters.

Full PDF flashcards archive - 169 files in one ZIP - 75 Mbytes.
Free download from Yandex Disc

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Statistik -
Russian -

Flash Cards

Quote2: That’s because in German, all nouns are capitalized. Yep, every person, place, and thing is capitalized. So not only do you have to remember to capitalize every sentence and "proper" noun like we do in English, you have to capitalize every other thing as well.

Fremdsprachen lernen

Valery Shmeleff
Valery Shmelev
Next Visual Basic Source Code

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Deutsche language 25 Torrent

Deutsche language 25

e-TextBook Torrent -

Learn German Words and Phrases Free
Flashcards: Deutsche4RuCzEn25.pdf

Fremdsprachen lernen

These great set of language flashcards for you to print as many times as you want. Each flashcard is A5 size, but your can print them as pocket size or photocopy them larger. They would make a great display, can be used as language activties or provide support for a multicultural classroom. Use at home with children new to the English language by looking at the picture and practise reading the word. Print the cards and match them together reading the German, Russian, Czech and English word each time.

Download Visual Basic 6.0 source code -   - 1.9 MBytes

Full PDF flashcards archive - 169 files in one ZIP - 75 Mbytes.
Free download from Yandex Disc

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Statistik -
Russian -

Torrent flashcards

Fremdsprachen lernen

Oflameron: Nekonečná řada čísel lze považovat za největší prvočíslo


Thursday, December 6, 2018

Deutsche language 24 Torrent

Deutsche language 24

e-TextBook Torrent -

Learn German Words and Phrases Free
Flashcards: Deutsche4RuCzEn24.pdf

Fremdsprachen lernen

Visual BASIC 6 source code - free download -

Full PDF flashcards archive - 169 files in one ZIP - 75 Mbytes.
Free download from Yandex Disc

FULL Download list -   - online text file       

Free Download Blue Card Guide

 E-Textbook -


Fremdsprachen lernen

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Deutsche sprache 23 - Torrent

Deutsche Flashcards

Free Download

e-TextBook Torrent file -

Reddit -

PDF flashcards 23 - Deutsche4RuCzEn23.pdf

German flashcards

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Deutsche language 22 - Blue Card

Deutsche language 22

e-TextBook Torrent -

Learn German Words and Phrases Free
Flashcards: Deutsche4RuCzEn22.pdf

Fremdsprachen lernen

Full PDF flashcards archive - 169 files in one ZIP - 75 Mbytes.
Free download from Yandex Disc

169 PDF-Dokumente in einem ZIP Archiv

Deutsche ebook

Free Download Blue Card Guide

 E-Textbook -


Fremdsprachen lernen