Thursday, November 30, 2017

Printable Flashcard

Printable Flashcards

Flashcards - for paper board game 
    As the pupils gain experience in playing the game it is possible to add new functions to it to preserve the pupil’s interest in playing the game. 
    Fragments of the French words  (paper flashcards) may be added to the game field (highlighted in yellow).

On the one hand, the player receives not a single French letter (paper flashcards) at once, but a few. But on the other hand, he/she has to collect letters for only one or a few words the fragment of which is issued to him/her. If you enter fragments of long words in game, it is desirable to place the greater part of the word on the card.
    For example, for the word LE CONTENU it is necessary to use the CONT... card.

Foreign Languages

    At the same time, if the card allows making several French words, it is not taken from the game field. For example, CONT... card allows making the words LE CONTENUCONTROLE and etc. When all options are used, such card is removed from the game field and replaced with a usual card with a letter or a card with a figure (see below). This game "OFLAMERON" variant should be offered to already experienced players or played with the teacher. This variant is convenient for learning new words.

    Flashcards with numbers 

   Flashcards with numeric values allow implementing the system of bonuses and making the game more interesting.
    A few game scenarios with numerical cards can be used:
    - the player gets automatically the specified number of points to his/her score and has the right to name the French word and throw the die once again;
    - the player receives the right to choose by himself as many French letters as is specified on the card (2 or 4), announce the word and throw the die once again. The player can choose letters he/she needs to make the word;
    - the player acquires the right to throw the die so many times at a run, to move the game piece and to collect letters as many times are specified on the card (2 or 4 times), but at the same time he/she may announce one made word.
    The specific manner of use of the numerical cards is agreed before the game.
    It is possible to introduce drawing up whole phrases in the game for advanced pupils. For this purpose, the card with a triangle face value is used in the game. 

If the game piece of the player occupies such a card with the triangle, the teacher issues to the participant the cards prepared in advance with the phrases lacking a part of letters. For example, ...GUE ETRA...RELANGUE ETRANGERE”). Here it is necessary to specify the translation of the phrase to be made. It is possible to adjust finely the complexity of the task for the players by changing the quantity of the missing letters in phrases. It should be done by the teacher.
    In usual variant the game "OFLAMERON" takes 2-3 hours. It is not always convenient. You can use the blitz version of the game. It requires from the player to announce a Spanish word beginning with each letter which is occupied by his/her game piece on the game field. The made words are written down in the leaflet to avoid repetitions. Points are counted in the same manner as in the previous variant of the game.
    Blitz game lasts for 20-30 minutes until a player is not able to announce a French word.
    Such a training may be carried out in any conditions. If you have no ready cards with letters, you can easily make them of any paper. You are just to know the rules of the game.
    If to replace French letters with letters of other alphabet, it becomes possible to learn any European language.
    Free for learning and publications. (c) by 
Valery Shmeleff

Free download German, French, Spanish flashcards -

Printable Flashcards

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Paper flashcards

Foreign words free

 Instead of just flashcards

 You can use the drawn game field
When memorizing foreign words with the game OFLAMERON you can use the bonus system.
Then learning foreign words will be interesting.
For example
Paint some cells and links.
If the player places a chip on the cell yellow - receives 50 points in addition.
Then calls the foreign words found in the cell and gets more points. The number of letters in the foreign words.
And etc/

Foreign words free

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Learn foreign words free

Learn foreign words

To memorize foreign words very well use the online crossword puzzles.

Use free online services. Example boatloadpuzzles .com
It is very convenient. You can effectively learn the language with your tablet or smartphone anywhere.
Or you can download and ready to print paper flashcards OFLAMERON in Word file for additional training.
Direct link -

Learn foreign words

Monday, November 27, 2017


Learn foreign words - Chips

Interesting way of learning world languages using flashcards OFLAMERON or using Board games OFLAMERON -
 Chips for table games. You can use badges, small toys or rocks
Online guide on any languages - (Translate GOOGLE)

Learn World Languages Free

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Printable Flashcards

Printable Flashcards


The simplest flashcards - letters on the cards. An interesting variant of usage of flash cards for learning world languages offered OFLAMERON
Use simple flashcards cards OFLAMERON  with letters. Fold over card table of any size.


 From the cards both horizontally and vertically will make the foreign words. For example, the English word
The student must be a foreign word and call it a translation. He adds so many points, how many letters in the foreign words.
As the player adds one card to the playing field to get a new number or a string.
The game ends when the student cannot make up a word.
Count the points of players and determine the winner.
(c) by Valery V Shmeleff


Printable Flashcards

Saturday, November 25, 2017

World languages free

World Languages Free

An interesting variant of memorizing foreign words with the blocks of paper OFLAMERON.
Special the paper dice OFLAMERON for learning foreign languages (print, cut and glue)
Words can be learned without playing the field. For this you need 5 dice. On the sides of the cubes and the letters of the alphabet and bonus signs.
(c) by Valery V Shmeleff (Oflameron)
Players throw 5 dice and write the letters. When letters will be a lot of them need to be foreign words. Then - as in the other variants.
RULES online and Download

Printable paper flashcards - free download (direct link)

World Languages Free

Friday, November 24, 2017

French flashcards

French flashcards

Free download

Added new Word DOCX images for print
Free download - direct links -

Free download

French flashcards

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Flashcards download

Flashcards download

Adden new flashcards images WorldLanguageSpanish2.docx

Direct link for download -

Flashcards download

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

New Printable Flashcards

New Printable Flashcards

Spanish language

Added to
On webpage
Free download -

Spanish language

New Printable Flashcards

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Printable flashcard

Printable flashcard

Special flashcards OFLAMERON . These flashcards are much more complicated and interesting than traditional flashcards. Added new file with the images of the cards in the format Word DOCX
Flashcards for learning Spanish - effective for memorizing Spanish words.
Added new file WorldLanguageSpanish.docx
Free download -

Printable flashcard

Monday, November 20, 2017

Paper Flashcards

Paper Flashcards

Special flashcards OFLAMERON allow you effectively teach up to 500 foreign words per week. Words are remembered better when learning is interesting.
Flashcards OFLAMERON has a lot of options - complex, simple, quick, easy, hard, for one student or for 10-15 students.
You can use 10-15 minutes of free time to learn foreign words. Just making up foreign words with special flashcards OFLAMERON
Or you can play 1.5-2 hours with friends and repeat all foreign words 40-50 times as entertainment.
Learn foreign words - direct link
 (c) by Valery Shmeleff
This is only part flashcards. The new version of flashcards is being developed every week. Flashcards you can download  free.

Paper Flashcards

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Paper Flashcards

Paper Flashcards

Effective learning foreign words can be conductive even 10-15 minutes of free time.
Make a paper tape (flashcard) with fragments of foreign words.
For example
Give identical copies to students. Students must correctly divide the tape into fragments, to make foreign words and name translation. 4-5 words in each tape (flashcard).
It is very simple. Interesting and effective. And quickly.
Flashcards in Word DOCX format:
Free Download 


Paper Flashcards


Saturday, November 18, 2017

World Languages as Paper game

World Languages as Paper game

If you need something to inspire children of 7-8 years old - let him play in foreign languages
If the students are playing in foreign words, words are remembered quickly easily and effectively.
The algorithm memorize foreign words OFLAMERON is very simple and convenient. It can be used in classic Board games with counters and dice.
Example. Original paper board game

The playing field to the tracks. Players move along the paths of the chips and perform actions.
If you replace all values of "stop points" on the letters of a foreign alphabet, you can use the game for learning foreign words - the principle of  OFLAMERON
It is important for the production of paper board games. OFLAMERON  adds a new feature - the study of foreign languages.
It's simple, convenient and interesting.
(c) by Valery V Shmeleff

World Languages as Paper game

Friday, November 17, 2017

Simple Flashcards

Simple Flashcards

Use simple flashcards OFLAMERON  with letters. Just rectangular cards with letters. Fold over card table of any size.
From the cards both horizontally and vertically will make the foreign words. For example, the English word
The student must be a foreign word and call it a translation. He adds so many points, how many letters in the foreign words.
As the player adds one card to the playing field to get a new number or a string.
The game ends when the student cannot make up a word.
Count the points of players and determine the winner.
(c) by Valery V Shmeleff

Of these cards, you can lay out the playing field.
 The board game made of paper "OFLAMERON" may be used to learn foreign languages (for example, Spanish or French). The game allows to train one’s vocabulary effectively.
    It is possible to lay out the game field of any size and format using playing cards with letters, for example, of the French alphabet. The game field consists of the closed paths. The quantity of paths and the size of the game field may vary. The elementary game field may look as follows:
Of course, it is possible to lay out very big and difficult game fields for the game "OFLAMERON". The more cards are used, the more paths the game field has, the more interesting it is to play.
    A few pupils aged at least 6-7 may participate in the training game. Usual game pieces and a die shall be required for game.
    A TRANSLATION of 10-15 French words is issued to players. Players move their game pieces on cards throwing the die and “collect” the French letters. It is necessary to make any French words of collected letters with the length of 4 letters least including those words the TRANSLATION of which is issued to the players.
    Start game
    The game begins when participants put their game pieces ON ANY CELLS of the game field and write down the letters occupied by their game pieces on their leaflets. 
Full guide -

Simple Flashcards

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Printable flashcards

Printable Flashcards

A small example for making up phrases in Spanish
Need to print a ribbon with the phrase in which the rearranged fragments.
The student must correctly cut the tape and make the phrase correct.
Free download >>

This technology is used in Flashcards

Printable Flashcards

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Unusual Flashcards

Unusual Flashcards

Unusual use flashcards to Board games. It's more interesting than just learning.
The board game made of paper "OFLAMERON" may be used to learn foreign languages (for example, Spanish or French). The game allows to train one's vocabulary effectively. 
    It is possible to lay out the game field of any size and format using playing cards with letters, for example, of the French alphabet. The game field consists of the closed paths. The quantity of paths and the size of the game field may vary. The elementary game field may look as follows: 

The playing field can be downloaded in Word and make large and complex.
Cells with numbers - bonuses. Add 3 or 4 points to the student's account.
Cells with color make their bonuses.
Full online guide >>

Learn Foreign Words free - FREE DOWNLOAD

Download Word file >>

 Of course, it is possible to lay out very big and difficult game fields for the game "OFLAMERON". The more cards are used, the more paths the game field has, the more interesting it is to play. 
    A few pupils aged at least 6-7 may participate in the training game. Usual game pieces and a die shall be required for game. 
    A TRANSLATION of 10-15 French words is issued to players. Players move their game pieces on cards throwing the die and "collect" the French letters. It is necessary to make any French words of collected letters with the length of 4 letters least including those words the TRANSLATION of which is issued to the players. 
    Start game 
    The game begins when participants put their game pieces ON ANY CELLS of the game field and write down the letters occupied by their game pieces on their leaflets...

Full online guide >>

Free download flashcards in Word DOCX format

Unusual Flashcards

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Printable flashcards

Printable flashcards

Images in Word DOCX format
Free download
Direct link -

Printable flashcards

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Printable Flashcards

Printable Flashcards Forte

When children play - they are interested in. If you play in foreign words, learning foreign words is interesting.
If students repeat foreign words 10-20-30 times, the words are remembered very effectively.
Everything you need to games you can do yourself in 15 minutes from any paper.

Learn foreign words with game

And etc
Dice can be replaced by 6 coins. One side of the coin (e.g. heads or tails) is one point. The player tosses a coin and counts of dropped points. Like playing the dice.
Playing chips can be printed or drawn with pen.
You can use coins, badges, pebbles, small toys.
To be continue ...
(c) by Valery V Shmeleff  Translate online guide
Sorry, authomatic translate only
 Language Table - Spanish, French, German - 
Next Add - Portugal

Learn foreign words with game